20191206 邀请报告 美国华盛顿卡内基研究院alexander f. goncharov教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 20191206 邀请报告 美国华盛顿卡内基研究院alexander f. goncharov教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome
20191206 邀请报告 美国华盛顿卡内基研究院alexander f. goncharov教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2019-12-06   动态浏览次数:439

报告时间:2019年12月6日 09:30


报告题目:hydrogen quantum effects at high pressure

报告人:美国华盛顿卡内基研究院alexander f. goncharov教授

报告摘要:hydrogen and hydrogen bearing compounds demonstrate or predicted to demonstrate fascinating physical properties in the limit of high densities such as insulator-to-metal transition, high-temperature superconductivity, and fluid or even superfluid ground state. these unusual behaviors are intimately connected to hydrogen quantum effects, which enhance with pressure due to an increase with compression of the zero-point energy. knowledge of these effects is essential for understanding interiors of giant planets as well as physics and chemistry of compressed condensed matter at extremes related to possible energy applications. however, probing of hydrogen atoms remains a challenge for research at high pressures, where samples of only few micrometers in dimensions can be interrogated. in this talk, i will overview the present state of experimental investigation of hydrogen and hydrogen bearing materials at very high pressures approaching the regimes, where novel quantum phenomena become dominating. these include appearance of fluxional solid phases and insulator-to-metal transition in hydrogen, symmetrization of hydrogen bonds and superionic states in water, and formation and emergence of close to room-temperature superconductivity in poly- and super-hydrides. i will discuss the complexities of theoretical and experimental investigations at extreme conditions, which remain a challenge and continue inspiring researchers for further technical developments.

报告人简介:alexander f. goncharov, 男, 1956年11月出生, 中科院合肥物质科学研究院固体物理研究所研究员,2012年2月入选第八批国家“外专创新人才计划”。1983年毕业于俄罗斯科学院光谱学研究所,获物理学博士学位。先后在德国马克斯-普朗克固体研究所、美国劳伦斯•利弗莫尔国家实验室和华盛顿卡耐基研究院地球物理实验室等国际上高压材料物性研究最活跃的单位从事研究工作。数十年来一直在高压科学的最前沿亲自参与实验研究工作。在超高压技术的发展和推广、高压光谱以及高压储能材料的研究等方面是当今国际上重要的引领者之一。已发表过160多篇学术论文,其中在nature 2篇、science 7篇、nautre chemistry 1篇、nature geoscience1篇;在物理领域最权威的国际刊物physical review letters上发表论文16篇,拥有1项美国专利,论文被同行引用2583次。此外,还获得lawrence livermore national laboratory associate director (cms) award(2005)奖和annual european high pressure research group award(1991)奖。

       个人网页链接: https://gl.carnegiescience.edu/people/goncharov
