林毅恒 教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 林毅恒 教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome
林毅恒 教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2020-05-20   动态浏览次数:40573


林毅恒 教授







林毅恒,男,中国科学技术大学,物理学院近代物理系教授。于2015年获得美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(cu boulder)物理博士学位,师从david wineland教授(2012年诺贝尔物理奖得主)。研究工作主要围绕离子阱量子信息处理实验研究,涵盖量子门,新型量子纠缠,协同冷却,耗散量子体系等前沿课题。博士后期间在美国jila研究所从事光镊束缚中性原子阵列实验。在量子信息处理方面发表多篇论文。


  • 学历:



  • 主要工作经历:



    2010/05-2015/10 助研, 美国标准技术研究所



  • 目前主持的主要科研项目:



  • 代表性研究论文 :

1. y. lin, d. r. leibrandt, d. leibfried, c. chou, quantum entanglement between an atom and a molecule. nature. 581, 273–277, (2020).


2. c. w. chou, a. l. collopy, c. kurz, yiheng lin, m. e. harding p. n. plessow, t. fortier, s. diddams, d. leibfried, and d. r. leibrandt, frequency-comb spectroscopy on pure quantum states of a single molecular ion, science 367, 1458 (2020).

3. xi qin, ming-dong zhu, wen-zhe zhang, yi-heng lin, ying rui, xing rong, and jiangfeng du, a high resolution time-to-digital-convertor based on a carry-chain and dsp48e1 adders in a 28-nm field-programmable-gate-array, review of scientific instruments 91, 024708 (2020).

4. quantum optimal control of the dissipative production of a maximally entangled state

k. p. horn, f. reiter, y. lin, d. leibfried, c. p. koch, new journal of physics 20 (12), 123010, (2018).

5. self-calibrating vector atomic magnetometry through microwave polarization reconstruction

t. thiele, y. lin, m. o. brown, c. a. regal physical review letters 121, 153202 (2018).

6. population mixing due to dipole-dipole interactions in one-dimensional array of multilevel atoms,e. munro, a. asenjo-garcia, y. lin, l. c. kwek, c. a. regal, d. e. chang physical review a 98 (3), 033815, (2018).

7.  measurement-based entanglement of non-interacting bosonic atoms,brian j. lester, yiheng lin, mark o. brown, adam m. kaufman, randall j. ball, leonid isaev, emanuel knill, ana m. rey and cindy a. regal physical review letters, 120, 193602 (2018).

8. preparation of entangled states through hilbert space engineering, y. lin, j. p. gaebler, f. reiter, t. r. tan, r. bowler, y. wan, a. keith, e. knill, s. glancy, k. coakley, a. s. sørensen, d. leibfried, d. j. wineland, physical review letters 117, 140502 (2016).

9. dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state of two quantum bits , y. lin, j. p. gaebler, f. reiter, t. r. tan, r. bowler, as sørensen, d. leibfried, and d. j. wineland

nature 504 (7480), 415-418 (2013).

10. sympathetic electromagnetically-induced-transparency laser cooling of motional modes in an ion chain , y. lin, j. p. gaebler, t. r. tan, r. bowler, j. d. jost, d. leibfried, d. j. wineland, physical review letters 110, 153002 (2013).

11. high-fidelity universal gate set for $^9$be$^ $ ion qubits, j. p. gaebler, t. r. tan, y. lin, y. wan, r. bowler, a. c. keith, s. glancy, k. coakley, e. knill, d. leibfried, d. j. wineland physical review letters 117, 060505 (2016).

12. multi-element logic gates for trapped-ion qubits, t. r. tan, j. p. gaebler, y. lin, y wan, r. bowler, d. leibfried, d. j. wineland, nature 528 (7582), 380-383 (2015).

13. dissipative quantum control of a spin chain,giovanna morigi, juergen eschner, cecilia cormick, yiheng lin, dietrich leibfried, david j. wineland physical review letters 115, 200502 (2015).

14. demonstration of a dressed-state phase gate for trapped ions , t. r. tan, j. p. gaebler, r. bowler, y. lin, j. d. jost, d. leibfried, d. j. wineland , physical review letters 110, 263002, (2013).

15. coherent diabatic ion transport and separation in a multizone trap array , r. bowler, j gaebler, y. lin, t. r. tan, d hanneke, j. d. jost, j. p. home, d. leibfried, d. j. wineland

physical review letters 109, 080502 (2012).

16. randomized benchmarking of multiqubit gates , j. p. gaebler, a. m. meier, t. r. tan, r. bowler, y. lin, d. hanneke, j. d. jost, j. p. home, e. knill, d. leibfried, d. j. wineland

physical review letters 108, 260503 (2012).

17. laser-directed hierarchical assembly of liquid crystal defects and control of optical phase singularities ,p. j. ackerman, z. qi, y. lin, c. w. twombly, m. j. laviada, y. lansac, i. i. smalyukh, scientific reports 2, 414 (2012).
