樊逢佳 教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 樊逢佳 教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome
樊逢佳 教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2020-05-20   动态浏览次数:16052


樊逢佳 特任教授





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樊逢佳,男,1986年生于安徽。2013年在中科大俞书宏院士的指导下获无机化学博士学位,主要研究低维硫化物的合成及热电性能研究。博士后期间同加拿大多伦多大学edward h. sargent教授合作,专注于胶体量子点激光器研究。20179月加入中国科学技术大学,专注于发光材料研究,在nature, science, nature photon., nature mater.等期刊发表多篇论文,负责重点研发计划子课题,主持面上项目。目前,论文总引用已超6000次。

  • 学历:





  • 主要工作经历:






  • 目前主持的主要科研项目:







  • 代表性研究论文 :

1. xiyan li, yong-biao zhao, fengjia fan*, larissa levina, min liu, rafael quintero-bermudez, xiwen gong, li na quan, james fan, zhenyu yang, sjoerd hoogland, oleksandr voznyy*, zheng-hong lu*, and edward h. sargent*, "bright colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diodes enabled by efficient chlorination," nature photonics 12 (3), 159-164 (2018).

2. fengjia fan, oleksandr voznyy, randy p. sabatini, kristopher t. bicanic, michael m. adachi, james r. mcbride, kemar r. reid, young-shin park, xiyan li, ankit jain, rafael quintero-bermudez, mayuran saravanapavanantham, min liu, marek korkusinski, pawel hawrylak, victor i. klimov, sandra j. rosenthal, sjoerd hoogland, and edward h. sargent*, "continuous-wave lasing in colloidal quantum dot solids enabled by facet-selective epitaxy," nature 544 (7648), 75-79 (2017).

3. fengjia fan, pongsakorn kanjanaboos, mayuran saravanapavanantham, eric beauregard, grayson ingram, emre yassitepe, michael m. adachi, oleksandr voznyy, andrew k. johnston, grant walters, gi-hwan kim, zheng-hong lu*, and edward h. sargent*, "colloidal cdse1-xsx nanoplatelets with narrow and continuously-tunable electroluminescence," nano letters 15 (7), 4611-4615 (2015).

4. michael m. adachi, fengjia fan, daniel p. sellan, sjoerd hoogland, oleksandr voznyy, arjan j. houtepen, kevin d. parrish, pongsakorn kanjanaboos, jonathan a. malen, and edward h. sargent*, "microsecond-sustained lasing from colloidal quantum dot solids," nature communications 6 (2015).

5. feng-jia fan, liang wu, and shu-hong yu*, "energetic i-iii-vi2 and i-2-ii-iv-vi4 nanocrystals: synthesis, photovoltaic and thermoelectric applications," energy & environmental science 7 (1), 190-208 (2014).

6. feng-jia fan, liang wu, ming gong, guangyao liu, yi-xiu wang, shu-hong yu*, shiyou chen*, lin-wang wang, and xin-gao gong, "composition- and band-gap-tunable synthesis of wurtzite-derived cu2znsn(s1-xsex)(4) nanocrystals: theoretical and experimental insights," acs nano 7 (2), 1454-1463 (2013).

7. feng-jia fan, yi-xiu wang, xiao-jing liu, liang wu, and shu-hong yu*, "large-scale colloidal synthesis of non-stoichiometric cu2znsnse4 nanocrystals for thermoelectric applications," advanced materials 24 (46), 6158-6163 (2012).

8. feng-jia fan, bo yu, yi-xiu wang, yan-long zhu, xiao-jing liu, shu-hong yu*, and zhifeng ren*, "colloidal synthesis of cu2cdsnse4 nanocrystals and hot-pressing to enhance the thermoelectric figure-of-merit," journal of the american chemical society 133 (40), 15910-15913 (2011).
