彭新华 教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 彭新华 教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome
彭新华 教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2020-05-20   动态浏览次数:17196











彭新华,女,1978年月生于湖南。中国科学技术大学教授,中国科学院人才计划择优支持者,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,当选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者(2015年),入选第四批国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2019)。2003年获中科院武汉物理与数学研究所理学博士学位,一直致力于核磁共振体系量子计算及量子信息处理的实验研究,在量子算法、量子模拟,量子控制,量子精密测量以及量子力学基本问题测试等重要课题方面开展了系统性的研究,取得了一系列对推动学科领域发展有实质性贡献的研究成果。迄今为止,共发表sci论文82篇,累计sci他引1148次(web of science)【2288余次(google scholar)】,单篇最高166次(web of science)【216次(google scholar)】。自2013年以来共发表论文38篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者论文31篇(其中nat. phys. 1篇、sci. adv. 1篇、phys. rev. x 2篇、npj quantum information 1篇、phys. rev. lett. 5篇),近5sci他引754次(web of science)。其成果曾入选中国高校十大科技进展(2009年)、曾获教育部自然科学一等奖(2011,排名2)、霍英东教育基金会第十三届高校青年教师奖(2012年)、第十二届中国青年女科学家奖(2015年)等。

  • 学历:



  • 主要工作经历:


20059月-20083,德国多特蒙德大学,research fellow


  • 目前主持的主要科研项目:

  1. 基于高灵敏度原子磁力计的超低场核磁共振谱仪研制国家重大科研仪器研制项目,


  1. 《金刚石色心量子模拟研究》 科技部国家重点研发计划项目课,2018.05-2023.04

  2. 《固态核磁共振对动态多体物理的量子模拟》国际(地区)合作与交流项目,2017.01-2020.12

  3. 《量子计算与量子模拟》国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目,2015.01-2019.12



  • 代表性研究论文:(按年代倒序排列,粗体突出本人和期刊名)

  1. h. wang, z. ma, s. wu, w. zheng, z. cao, z. chen, z. li, s.-m. fei, x. peng, v. vedral, and j. du. uncertainty equality with quantum memory and its experimental verification. npj quantum information 5, 39 (2019).

  2. zhaokai li, xiaomei liu, hefeng wang, sahel ashhab, jiangyu cui, hongwei chen, xinhuapeng, and jiangfeng du, quantum simulation of resonant transitions for solving the eigen-problem of an effective water hamiltonian, physical review letters 122, 090504 (2019).

  3. ping wang, chong chen, xinhua peng, jorg wrachtrup, ren-bao liu, characterization of arbitrary-order correlations in quantum baths by weak measurement, physical review letters 123, 050603 (2019).

  4. zhihuang luo, jun li, zhaokai li, ling-yan hung, yidun wan, xinhua peng, and jiangfeng du, experimentally probing topological order and its breakdown through modular matrices, nature physics 14, 160 (2018).

  5. m. jiang, t. wu, j. w. blanchard, g. feng, x. peng, and d. budker, experimental benchmarking of quantum control in zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance, science advances 4, eaar6327 (2018).

  6. w. zheng, z. ma, h. wang, s.-m. fei, and x. peng, experimental demonstration of observability and operability of robustness of coherence, phys. rev. lett. 120, 230504 (2018).

  7. w.-l. chang*, q. yu, z. li, j. chen, x. peng*, and m. feng*, quantum speedup in solving the maximal- clique problem, phys. rev. a 97, 032344 (2018).

  8. j. cui, j. li, x. liu, x. peng and r. fu, engineering spin hamiltonians using multiple pulse sequences in solid state nmr spectroscopy, j. magn. resson. 294, 83 (2018).

  9. jun li, ruihua fan, hengyan wang, bingtian ye, bei zeng, hui zhai, xinhua peng, jiangfeng du, measuring out-of-time-order correlators on a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum simulator. phys. rev. x 7, 031011 (2017) [featured in physics, selected for a viewpoint in physics].

  10. xi-wei yao, hengyan wang, zeyang liao, ming-cheng chen, jian pan, jun li, kechao zhang, xingcheng lin, zhehui wang, zhihuang luo, wenqiang zheng, jianzhong li, meisheng zhao, xinhua peng, and dieter suter, quantum image processing and its application to edge detection: theory and experiment, phys. rev. x 7, 031041(2017).

  11. ji bian, min jiang, jiangyu cui, xiaomei liu, botao chen, yunlan ji, bo zhang, john blanchard, xinhua peng and jiangfeng du,universal quantum control in zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance, phys. rev. a 95, 052342 (2017).

  12. jiangyu cui, jun li, riqiang fu and xinhua peng, transient noe enhances sensitivity of low-$\gamma$ nuclei in solid-state mas nmr of mobile systems, j. magn. reson. 284, 73 (2017).

  13. jun li, xiaodong yang, xinhua peng, changpu sun, hybrid quantum-classical approach to quantum optimal control, physical review letters 118, 150503(2017).

  14. j. li, d.w. lu , z. h. luo, r. laflamme, x. h. peng, and j. f. du*, maximally accessible purity in coherently controlled open quantum systems: application to quantum state engineering, phys. rev. a 94, 012312 (2016).

  15. jun li, jiangyu cui, raymond laflamme, xinhua peng, compilation of selective pulse network on liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance system, phys. rev. a 94, 032316 (2016).

  16. wenchao ma, zhihao ma, hengyan wang, zhihua chen, ying liu, fei kong, zhaokai li, xinhua peng, mingjun shi, fazhan shi, shao-ming fei, and jiangfeng du, experimental test of heisenberg’s measurement uncertainty relation based on statistical distances, physical review letters 116, 160405 (2016).

  17. xinhua peng, hui zhou, bo-bo wei, jiangyu cui, jiangfeng du, and ren-bao liu, experimental observation of lee-yang zeros, physical review letters 114, 010601 (2015). highlight article.

  18. xinhua peng, zhihuangluo, wenqiangzheng, supeng kou, dieter suter, and jiangfeng du, experimental implementation of adiabatic passage between different topological orders, physical review letters 113, 080404(2014).

  19. zhaokai li, hui zhou, chenyongju, hongwei chen, wenqiangzheng, dawei lu, xing rong, changkui duan, xinhua peng, and jiangfeng du, experimental realization of a compressed quantum simulation of a 32-spin ising chain, physical review letters 112, 220501 (2014). highlight article.

  20. nanyangxu, jing zhu, dawei lu, xianyi zhou, xinhua peng, and jiangfeng du, quantum factorization of 143 on a dipolar-coupling nuclear magnetic resonance system, physical review letters 108, 130501 (2012).

  21. hongwei chen, dawei lu, bo chong, gan qin, xianyi zhou, xinhua peng, and jiangfeng du, experimental demonstration of probabilistic quantum cloning, physical review letters 106, 180404 (2011).

  22. dawei lu, nanyangxu, ruixuexu, hongwei chen, jiangbin gong, xinhua peng, and jiangfeng du, simulation of chemical isomerization reaction dynamics on a nmr quantum simulator, physical review letters 107, 020501 (2011).

  23. jiangfeng du, nanyangxu, xinhua peng, pengfei wang, sanfeng wu, and dawei lu, nmr implementation of a molecular hydrogen quantum simulation with adiabatic state preparation, physical review letters 104, 030502 (2010). highlight article

  24. xinhua peng, sanfeng wu, jun li, dieter suter, and jiangfeng du, observation of the ground-state geometric phase in a heisenberg xy model, physical review letters 105, 240405 (2010).

  25. fazhan shi, xing rong, nanyangxu, ya wang, jie wu, bo chong, xinhua peng, julianekniepert, rolf-simon schoenfeld, wolfgang harneit, mangfeng, and jiangfeng du, room-temperature implementation of the deutsch-jozsa algorithm with a single electronic spin in diamond, physical review letters 105, 040504 (2010).

  26. xinhua peng, jingfu zhang, jiangfeng du, and dieter suter, quantum simulation of a system with competing two- and three-body interactions, physical review letters 103, 140501 (2009).

  27. xinhua peng, zeyang liao, nanyangxu, gan qin, xianyi zhou, dieter suter, and jiangfeng du, quantum adiabatic algorithm for factorization and its experimental implementation, physical review letters 101, 220405 (2008).

  28. jingfu zhang, xinhua peng, nageswaran rajendran, and dieter suter:detection of quantum critical points by a probe qubit. physical review letters. 100, 100501 (2008).
