20170412 邀请报告 jila institute 林毅恒博士后-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 20170412 邀请报告 jila institute 林毅恒博士后-澳门太阳集团城welcome
20170412 邀请报告 jila institute 林毅恒博士后
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2017-04-12   动态浏览次数:662



报告人:jila institute 林毅恒 博士后

报告题目:charged or not charged: quantum manipulation with trapped single atoms”


摘要:recent  decades have seen techniques being rapidly developed for trapped  individual atoms, bringing in low system entropy and excellent control  of the couplings from the environment, making these atoms ideal building  blocks to assemble quantum systems from the bottom-up. this is  especially useful for the study of quantum mechanics and quantum  engineering. in this talk, i will describe two experiment platforms –  trapped atomic ions with electric potential and trapped neutral atoms  with optical tweezers, and along the line i will focus on three  experiments that shows that both platforms have demonstrated these  capabilities. for trapped ions, i will describe a recent demonstration  of high fidelity two-qubit quantum logic gate with two 9be ions, and a  dissipative production of a maximally entangled state with a 9be -24mg  -24mg -9be ion chain. for neutral atoms, i will describe a recent  experiment that forms an atomic 50:50 beam splitter by careful control  of trapping potentials, and based on this creating spin entanglement  between two 87rb atoms with postselection.
