20230412 邀请报告 香港中文大学 袁海东教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 20230412 邀请报告 香港中文大学 袁海东教授-澳门太阳集团城welcome
20230412 邀请报告 香港中文大学 袁海东教授
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2023-04-10   动态浏览次数:17

报告题目/titleultimate precision limit for quantum metrology

报告时间/time202341209:30 (09:30, april 12, 2023)

报告地点/venue物质科研楼c404会议室(room c404, material science building)


报告摘要/abstractmeasurement and estimation of parameters are essential for science and engineering, where the main quest is to and out the highest achievable precision with given resources and design schemes to attain it. with recent development of technology, it is now possible to design protocols utilizing quantum mechanical effect to attain far better precision than classical schemes. in this talk i will present a systematic way to identify the ultimate precision limit in quantum metrology and design optimal protocols to achieve it. i will also talk about the tradeoff relation among the precision limit for the estimation of multiple parameters. at the end of the talk, i will briefly mention our summer workshop for phd applicants of 2024 (see http://hkpfs.erg.cuhk.edu.hk/for the application of the summer workshop)


报告人简介/biographyhaidong yuan received his b.e. in electronic engineering from tsinghua university, m.a. in engineering science and ph.d. in applied mathematics, both from harvard university. he did his postdoctoral work at harvard university and massachusetts institute of technology. from 2012 to 2014 he was an assistant professor at the department of applied mathematics, the hong kong polytechnic university. he is with the department of mechanical and automation engineering, the chinese university of hong kong since sep 2014. his current research interests include quantum control, quantum metrology, quantum information science.
