20210802 邀请报告 南方科技大学 李俊副研究员-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 20210802 邀请报告 南方科技大学 李俊副研究员-澳门太阳集团城welcome
20210802 邀请报告 南方科技大学 李俊副研究员
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2021-07-29   动态浏览次数:246

报告时间:202182(周一) 上午09:30  


报告题目:optimal quantum control robust to static and time-varying errors

报告人:南方科技大学 李俊 副研究员

报告摘要:high-fidelity control of quantum systems is crucial for quantum information processing.   in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (nisq) age, we are manipulating quantum systems of ever growing sizes, that tens to hundreds of qubits are already or about to be within   control. this poses an urgent demand for the research  of scalable control  and robust control for nisq systems.  in   this talk, i will first  describe  these two challenging nisq quantum control problems,    with  briefly introducing    some of my preliminary research  work relevant to them. then  i   focus  on robust control. i will introduce and compare several robust control methods, including single-shot pulses, composite pulses, robust dynamical decoupling and quantum optimal control. generally,  we think that for nisq control purposes, a well-behaved robust control  sequence  need be (1)   easy to  synthesize; (2)  flat and broad robustness profile; (3) extendable to multiple qubits; (4) generalizable to  arbitrary target quantum gates; (5)  simultaneously robust to multiple noise sources;  (6)  robust to static and time-varying noises.  it turns out that, in view of these requirements,   robust quantum optimal control stands out. as demonstration,  i give some numerical test application examples, including dynamical nuclear polarization in electron-nuclear spin system  and entangling gates on trapped ions.


报告人简介:李俊, 南方科技大学副研究员。2015年在中科大近代物理系获得博士学位。2018年作为副研究员进入南方科技大学量子科学与工程研究院。主要科研方向为量子控制的理论与应用研究、自旋体系量子计算的实验研究。
