20190524 邀请报告 慕尼黑大学 刘昶旭研究员-澳门太阳集团城welcome

 20190524 邀请报告 慕尼黑大学 刘昶旭研究员-澳门太阳集团城welcome
20190524 邀请报告 慕尼黑大学 刘昶旭研究员
发布人:中科院微观磁共振重点实验室  发布时间:2019-05-24   动态浏览次数:347



题目:harnessing the disorder in nanophotonic systems: from topological state transition to robust optical devices with fabrication imperfection

报告人:刘昶旭,慕尼黑大学 研究员
摘要:in nanophotonics, the structure with feature size comparable to optical wavelengths is a prerequisite, including photonic crystals and metamaterials. at this scale, the fabrication imperfections such as the fluctuations in position, variations in shape and surface roughness are always unavoidable in practice.  in this talk, i will show two examples of how the disorder can be tamed in optical systems. the first one is on disorder-induced topological state transition in metamaterials and the potential for a disordered topological laser. the second one demonstrates how a robust optical device can be built by taking advantage of the phase transition from photonic crystals to metamaterials.
刘昶旭,慕尼黑大学(ludwig-maximilians-universität, münchen)物理系大学研究员(lmu incoming research fellowship starting from 08/2019)。2017年至2019年任伯明翰大学(university of birmingham)物理与天文系研究员(research fellow)。2008于同济大学获得学士学位 。2010于美国罗彻斯特大学(university of rochester)获得硕士学位。2016于沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(kaust)获得博士学位。研究兴趣包括纳米光学(nanophotonics),无序光学(disordered photonics),超材料(metamaterials)与表面等离子激元光子学(plasmonics)。以第一作者身份在nature nanotechnology, nature photonics, nature physics, nature communications, physical review x, physical review letters 等期刊发表论文。主要工作被选为nature photonics, nature physics封面,并于nature nanotechnology受邀采访(in the classroom)。 纳米粒子黑体工作于2016年被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为最黑的人工材料。相关研究多次被世界主流媒体报告,其中包括华尔街日报,每日邮报,独立报、雅虎新闻等。
